This website is prepared by EXIMS Consulting
Tondo Vincent and is organization "VINCENT DOMINIQUE Tondo E FILS" produce songs that you can not only listen to but that will have you dancing.
The songs are sweet songs about the dream we all want to share with someone : a story that is so beautiful you want it to go on for ever.
"So let me tell you again and again and again, I love you, yeah, yeah, yeah, now and forever" (John & Yoko - Double Fantasy)
VINCENT DOMINIQUE Tondo E FILS voices is the secret of his unique sound: a misty voice that often mixes French, standard Italian, regional languages and dialects, sometimes even in the same track.
The melody "written in the stars" commands and it is the tune that you find yourself humming under the shower -- even if you haven’t understood the words !
In live performance, the music depends on the musicians who are up on stage.
For example, if Cyril Denis is leading the band "Sanremo Canzone" <>, he has full freedom to stamp his style on the whole set without taking away an iota of the personality of VINCENT DOMINIQUE Tondo E FILS songs.
This interactive understanding is clearly illustrated on “D’après une histoire chantée par Vannick Le Poulain et Vincent Tondo & Co” (Alliance Française)... is clearly illustrated on Concert For 400 Lovers with VINCENT TONDO (and you if you want) <>.